Meet the Candidate

Running For:
153Political Affiliation:
Retired Delta Air Lines PilotEducation: (click to expand)
Biographical Info: (click to expand)
Why are you running for office? (click to expand)
Response Legend
- YYes
- NNo
- UUndecided
- −Declined to Respond / Position Unknown / Unclear
- *Comment
- †Declined to respond, Position based on citation
Question | Response | Comments/Notes |
1. Should education funding be available directly to families through a grant, scholarship, or education savings account so that parents can send their children to the school of their choice, including religious schools? | Y* | Like Mr Shapiro, I support school choice and parents' rights! |
2. Should marijuana be legalized and sold commercially for recreational use? | N* | Please take 5 minutes and watch this short video |
3. Should the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act be amended to include "sexual orientation" and "gender identity," which would require public schools and other public facilities to open up restrooms and locker rooms to members of the opposite sex? | N* | My number one goal is to rely on common sense in my time in the PA State House - this makes no sense! |
4. Should Pennsylvania enter into the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, which would include a new carbon tax on electricity producers? | N* | Please read the book by Bjorn Lomborg Skeptical Environmentalist. |
5. Should increases in state government spending be limited to the rate of inflation plus population growth? | Y* | Or Less, we need reduce government spending. |
6. Should state taxpayer funding be allowed for elective abortions? | N* | Human Life is Sacred from Conception to Natural Death. |
7. Should all voters be required to show identification before voting? | Y* | Common Sense. Ask me about the election irregularities that I witnessed while working at the polls. |
8. Should striking union members have access to unemployment compensation? | N* | I was a 30 year union member in ALPA. Taxpayers should not underwrite labor disputes. |
9. Should public schools be prohibited from allowing males who identify as females to compete in girls’ sports? | Y* | Common Sense! |
10. Should schools have to post curriculum online for review by parents and taxpayers? | Y* | Parents are the decision makers for their children. School Administrators must be held accountable. |
11. Should funding for public and state-related universities follow the student rather than go directly to the institution? | Y* | School administrations must be forced to compete in the marketplace and must be responsible for their decisions and the product they produce. |