Meet the Candidate

Running For:
84Political Affiliation:
State RepresentativeEducation: (click to expand)
Biographical Info: (click to expand)
Why are you running for office? (click to expand)
Response Legend
- YYes
- NNo
- UUndecided
- −Declined to Respond / Position Unknown / Unclear
- *Comment
- †Declined to respond, Position based on citation
Question | Response | Comments/Notes |
1. Should education funding be available directly to families through a grant, scholarship, or education savings account so that parents can send their children to the school of their choice, including religious schools? | Y* | School Choice is essential in this Commonwealth. Every child should have the opportunity to learn in the best environment for their educational needs. |
2. Should marijuana be legalized and sold commercially for recreational use? | N* | Marijuana is a gateway drug and legalization will lead to devastating consequences in this Commonwealth. |
3. Should the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act be amended to include "sexual orientation" and "gender identity," which would require public schools and other public facilities to open up restrooms and locker rooms to members of the opposite sex? | N* | We must protect our children from the insanity that is permeating society. |
4. Should Pennsylvania enter into the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, which would include a new carbon tax on electricity producers? | N* | RGGI would crush hard working Pennsylvanians with an additional 25-33% increase in their utility bills. |
5. Should increases in state government spending be limited to the rate of inflation plus population growth? | Y* | We need the Taxpayer Protection Act NOW!! |
6. Should state taxpayer funding be allowed for elective abortions? | N* | Absolutely NOT! No taxpayer funds for Abortions. |
7. Should all voters be required to show identification before voting? | Y* | Absolutely - we show Identification for everything else. We need Voter ID in this Commonwealth to ensure integrity in our Elections. |
8. Should striking union members have access to unemployment compensation? | N* | It is ridiculous to think that someone who chooses to strike should have access to Unemployment Compensation. |
9. Should public schools be prohibited from allowing males who identify as females to compete in girls’ sports? | Y* | Title IX was passed to provide females an opportunity to compete against one another. Males don't belong in Female sports. |
10. Should schools have to post curriculum online for review by parents and taxpayers? | Y* | Transparency should be required. Our tax dollars are spent in the schools and we have a right to know what goes on within those walls. |
11. Should funding for public and state-related universities follow the student rather than go directly to the institution? | Y* | Stop giving hundreds of millions of dollars to select Universities and allow these Universities to compete for students. This approach will drive the cost of higher education down and be a huge win for Pennsylvania students! |